Air fryer Banana Bread | ULTREAN

Air fryer Banana Bread

This Air Fryer Banana Bread is a tasty and tender way to make mini loaves of your favorite classic bread recipe!

The Air Fryer is a popular kitchen appliance with a variety of uses, including baking! Yes, you can bake in the air fryer and get the same delicious results as if you baked it in the oven. This Air Fryer Banana Bread has quickly become one of my favorite banana bread recipes. Instead of one large loaf, you will have mini loaves, which I think works better for me. One right now and two later! It turns golden on the outside but remains soft and moist on the inside. If you want to experiment with your air fryer for baking, you must make this Air Fryer Banana Bread.

The Air Fryer Banana Nut Bread is so moist and soft that you almost forget it was made in the air fryer. Except that the bread is ready in a fraction of the time that traditional baking takes!

Equipment used in cooking: Ultrean XL 6 Quart 8-in-1 Electric Hot Air fryer

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1 comment

  • sorry I just am not sure what you put it into before you put it in the air fryer? I am new to my air fryer.

    Catherine Guzik

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